A, B, C, D, E
A - Mammal African antelope African buffalo, Cape buffalo African elephant African hunting dog African leopard African lion African wild dog Alaskan brown bear American beaver American buffalo, bison American marten American pika amur leopard anteater, giant anteater, spiny, echidna antelope, African antelope, American antelope, pronghorn Arctic fox Arctic ground squirrel Arctic hare Asian small-clawed otter Asian elephant, Indian B - Mammal badger, North American badger, European bat, fruit bat, vampire bat, Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat bear, Alaskan brown bear, black bear, black bear, Kermode, ghost, spirit, white phase bear, brown Alaskan bear, Kodiak bear, grizzly bear, polar bear, sun beaver, American Bennett's wallaby bighorn sheep, desert bighorn sheep, Rocky mountain bison, North American, buffalo black-backed jackal, silver-backed black bear black bear, Kermode, ghost, spirit, white phase black-footed ferret black-footed rock wallaby, warru black howler monkey black panther black, red fox black rhinoceros black, eastern gray squirrel black-tailed jackrabbit black-tailed prairie dog bobcat bonobo, pygmy chimpanzee brown bear, Alaskan, Kodiak brown hyena brushtail possum buffalo, African, Cape buffalo buffalo, bison, North American bunny - see rabbit C - Mammal California ground squirrel Canada lynx Cape buffalo, African buffalo Cape wild dog caribou cat, domestic, house cat, fishing cat, Pallas's cheetah chickaree - see red, pine, Douglas squirrel chipmunk, Colorado chipmunk, eastern chipmunk, merriam chipmunk, red-tailed chipmunk, yellow pine clouded leopard coati, coatimundi, white-nosed collared peccary, javelina Colorado chipmunk Columbian ground squirrel common gibbon, white-handed cottontail rabbit, eastern cottontail rabbit, mountain cougar, adult, cubs, puma, mountain lion coyote D - Mammal Dall sheep deer, mule, buck, doe, fawn deer, whitetail, buck, doe, fawn desert bighorn sheep devil, Tasmanian dog, African wild, hunting dog, domestic dolphin, porpoise domestic cat, house Douglas squirrel E - Mammal eastern chipmunk eastern cottontail rabbit eastern gray squirrel eastern grey kangaroo eastern fox squirrel eastern mole eastern white-bearded wildebeest, gnu echidna elephant, African elephant, Asian, Indian elephant seal, northern elk, Rocky Mountain, wapiti, bull, cow, calf elk, Roosevelt, bull, cow, calf elk, Tule el tigre, jaguar Eurasian red squirrel European hedgehog European otter European polecat, ferret European wildcat, Scottish
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F, G, H, I, J
F - Mammal ferret, black-footed ferret, European polecat fisher fishing cat Florida manatee flying squirrel, southern fox, Arctic fox, gray, grey fox, kit, swift fox, red, adult, mousing, kits fox squirrel, eastern fruit bat fruit bat, Wahlberg's epauletted fur seal, northern G - Mammal ghost bear, spirit, Kermode, white phase black bear giant anteater giant panda gibbon, white-handed, common giraffe glider, sugar gnu, wildebeest, eastern-white bearded goat, mountain golden lion tamarin golden-mantled ground squirrel golden-mantled ground squirrel, Cascade gorilla, silverback gray fox, grey fox gray squirrel, eastern gray wolf, timber wolves greater kudu grizzly bear groundhog, woodchuck ground squirrel, Arctic ground squirrel, California ground squirrel, Columbian ground squirrel, golden-mantled ground squirrel, golden-mantled, Cascade ground squirrel, thirteen-lined guinea pig H - Mammal harbor seal hare, arctic hare, snowshoe hedgehog, European Hippopotamus, hippo hoary marmot horse house cat, domestic howler monkey, black Humboldt's woolly monkey Husky, domestic dog hyena, brown hyena, spotted, laughing hyena I - Mammal Indian elephant, Asian Indian rhinoceros Indo-Chinese tiger J - Mammal jackal, black-backed, silver-backed jackrabbit, blacktailed jaguar, el tigre Japanese macaque javelina
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K, L, M, N
K - Mammal kangaroo, eastern grey kangaroo, red Kermode bear, ghost, spirit, black bear white phase killer whale, orca, beached kit fox, swift koala bear Kodiak bear kudu, greater L - Mammal lemur, ring-tailed leopard, African leopard, amur leopard, clouded leopard, Persian leopard, snow lion, African llama long-tailed weasel lynx, Canadian lynx, Siberian M - Mammal manatee, Florida mandrill marmot, hoary marmot, woodchuck, groundhog marmot, yellowbelly marten, American, pine meerkat, suricate melanistic, black, eastern gray squirrel merriam chipmunk Mexican wolf mink mole mole, eastern mongoose, yellow monkey, black howler monkey, Humboldt'swoolly monkey, snow monkey, spider, Columbian brown, variegated monkey, squirrel monkey, sulawesi crested macaque monkey, vervet with young moose, bull, cow, calf mountain cottontail rabbit mountain goat mountain lion, adult, cubs, puma, cougar mountain viscacha mouse, rat mule deer, buck, doe, fawn musk ox muskrat N - Mammal North American lynx North American porcupine, porky northern elephant seal northern fur seal northern sea lion northern river otter nutria
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O, P, Q, R
O - Mammal opossum, Virginia orangutan orca whale beached otter, Asian small-clawed otter, European otter, river otter, sea P - Mammal Pallas's cat panda, giant panda, red panther, black peccary, collared, javelina pika, American pine marten, American pine squirrel plains zebra polar bear polecat, ferret, European porcupine, North American, adult porky - see porcupine porpoise, dolphin possum, brushtail potto prairie dog, black-tailed prairie dog, white-tailed pronghorn antelope puma, adult, cubs, cougar, mountain lion pygmy chimpanzee, bonobo Q - Mammal quokka R - Mammal rabbit, cottontail, eastern rabbit, cottontail, mountain rabbit, jackrabbit black-tailed rabbit, snowshoe hare raccoon rat, mouse red fox adult, mousing, kits red kangaroo red-necked wallaby, rufous red panda red squirrel, Eurasian red-tailed chipmunk reindeer rhino - see rhinoceros rhinoceros, black, rhino rhinoceros, Indian, rhino rhinoceros, Sumatran, rhino rhinoceros, white, rhino ring-tailed lemur river otter, northern Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep Rocky Mountain elk, wapiti, bull, cow, calf Roosevelt elk, bull, cow rufous wallaby, red-necked
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S, T, U, V
S - Mammal Scottish wildcat, European sheep, desert bighorn sheep, Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, Dall sheep, Stone sheep, white, Dall spirit bear, ghost bear, Kermode bear, black bear white phase seal, elephant, northern seal, harbor seal, northern fur seal, Weddell sea lion, Steller's sea otter Siberian lynx Siberian tiger silverback gorilla snow leopard snow monkey serval skunk, striped snowshoe hare southern flying squirrel spider monkey, Columbian brown, variegated spiny anteater, echidna spotted hyena, laughing hyena squirrel, Arctic ground squirrel, California ground squirrel, Columbian ground squirrel, Douglas squirrel, Eurasian red squirrel, flying, southern squirrel, fox, eastern squirrel, golden-mantled ground squirrel, gray, eastern squirrel, pine squirrel, red squirrel, thirteen-lined ground Steller's sea lion Stone sheep striped skunk sugar glider Sumatran rhinoceros, rhino Sumatran tiger, white sun bear suricate, meerkat swift fox, kit T - Mammal tamarin, golden lion Tasmanian devil thirteen-lined ground squirrel tiger, Indo-Chinese tiger, Siberian tiger, Sumatran, white timber wolf, gray wolves Tule elk V - Mammal vampire bat vervet monkey with young Virginia opossum viscacha, mountain
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W, X, Y, Z
W - Mammal Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat wallaby, Bennett's wallaby, black-footed rock, warru wallaby, red-necked, rufous walrus, colony, rookery, group, swimming wapiti, Rocky Mountain elk, bull, cow, calf warthog waterbuck weasel, long-tailed Weddell seal whale, orca, beached white-handed gibbon, common white-nosed coatimundi white sheep, Dall whitetail deer, buck, doe, fawn white rhinoceros, rhino white-tailed prairie dog white tiger, Sumatran wildcat, European, Scottish wild dog, African, Cape hunting wildebeest, eastern white-bearded, gnu wolf, wolves, gray, timber wolf, Mexican wolverine woodchuck, groundhog, eastern marmot woolly monkey, Humboldt's Y - Mammal yellow-bellied marmot yellow mongoose yellow pine chipmunk Z - Mammal zebra, plains
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